Braid Reinforced Tubing

Renegade is proud to offer continuously braid reinforced tubing, done on our in-house 16 or 32 carrier braiders.

What is continuous braid reinforced tubing?
Continuous braid reinforced tubing is processed primarily through the extrusion process. It offers an economical solution to a typical shaft or delivery catheter.

Our braided shafts don’t require the use of heat shrink; therefore, there is no risk of the final jacket getting nicked and going unnoticed from a razor blade during the removal process.

There is minimal tack time in our process, reducing risk of contamination while reducing costs even further.

Our proprietary process allows us to utilize unique materials for each layer. Rather it’s different durometers within the Pebax® family, or different polymers all together, each layer can be specified.

Why braid reinforced tubing?
Braid reinforced tubing can offer many benefits to a project. Braiding can improve torque control, pressure resistance and offer greater flexibility.


  • 16 carrier
  • 32 carrier
  • Variable pic braiding
  • Segment braiding
  • Diameters <0.200″
  • Unique material per layer