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Multi lumen tubes are a single tube with multiple channels, or lumens, that run throughout the tubes inside diameter. Multi lumen tubing has a variety of uses, including (but not limited to) drug infusion, respiratory, cardiovascular, urology, and neurology. The lumens allow multiple guide wires, fluids, instruments and components to pass through the tubing/catheter while staying contained within a single tube/catheter. Multi lumen tubes are often comprised of different size lumens, with the lumens having different functional roles in the end catheter.
Speed is king when it comes to medical devices and typically multi lumen tubing is the Achilles heel to a successful launch.
Bring us your rebellious ideas and let us help you quickly turn them into reality.
2-lumen, 6-lumen, 20-lumen, symmetrical, asymmetrical, no problem. Common materials include, Pebax®, Nylon, TPU’s, PE’s, radio pacifiers, lubricious additives, etc. See Renegade’s list of stock materials we have ready to extrude for you at a moment’s notice.